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We love to share.

Sharing makes the world better. And we want to support that. Choose a donation partner and so you can improve the world together with sphere: With every conversation you help your environment or people in need. 


CARE has the goal of saving lives, defeating poverty and achieving social justice around the globe and is active in over 100 countries.


Betterplace is Germany's largest donation platform. Projects of various organizations in numerous areas are supported on the platform.


World Food Program works with communities to improve nutritional situations. 13.50 euros provide a starving child with food for a month.

Do you know other exciting initiatives or would you like additional donation partners on sphere?


You haven't chosen a donation partner yet?

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1. Donation partner

Choose a donation partner you want to donate to

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2. Donation share

Decide how much of your income you want to donate. Every euro helps.

Image by Dylan Ferreira

3. Do good

Share your experience and donate the amount you want. We take over the transaction fees.

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